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Reopening further Denmark, the majority of the parliamentary parties were able to present a plan for further reopening from 21st April 2021

It appears from the framework agreement that the parties to the agreements in phases at 14-day intervals want – gradually and flexibly – to phase out restrictions, and that the parties to the agreement before each phase transition will agree the exact content of the phase based on developments in the epidemic.


  • On 21 April, the indoor assembly ban will increase from the current 5 to 10, and on 6 May, it will increase further to 25 people. On May 21, 50 people must be gathered, and on June 11, 100 people were seen indoors. 
  • The outdoor assembly ban will be lifted on Wednesday 21 April from 10 to 50, on 6 May it will be 75, on 21 May it will rise to 100, while it will be completely abolished on 11 June. 
  • On 1 August, the so-called small assembly ban was completely abolished indoors as well. What happens to the ceiling for large gatherings, however, is uncertain right now.

OVERVIEW of what reopens:

  • Restaurants, cafes, bars and pubs are allowed to open for indoor dining. This is done with a requirement to book a table and present a valid corona passport. The requirement for coronapass is removed when serving outdoors. Indoor serving must be done with an area requirement of two square meters for seated serving and four square meters, if you primarily stand up. The last serving is at 10 pm, and the restaurants must be closed from 11 pm to 5 am.
  • The large malls and department stores can open their doors to shoppers.
  • Museums, knowledge pedagogical activity centers such as the Experimentarium, art galleries and libraries open with a presentation of a valid corona passport.
  • 5th-8th grade students will have the opportunity for outdoor attendance during the weeks when there is no access to indoor teaching.
  • Day colleges, including senior colleges, can open with test requirements corresponding to the test model in the field of education.
  • Students in the country’s higher education must be content with 30 percent attendance, and it will be possible to use outdoor areas for teaching use. The reopening will be geographically differentiated and cover all parts of the country – with the exception of the Greater Copenhagen area.
  • Graduating students in primary schools and in upper secondary and adult education must attend 80 per cent, while vocational education must reopen in full. The reopening will be geographically differentiated and cover all parts of the country – with the exception of the Greater Copenhagen area.
  • It opens up for more indoor sports for young and old. The opening of organized indoor sports for children under the age of 18 will include all sports with an assembly ceiling of 25 people and without coronapass. This assembly ceiling also includes sports activities, in which persons over the age of 18 participate, if their presence is necessary for the proper conduct of the activities. For people over the age of 70, the ceiling is ten people with a requirement for a valid corona passport.
  • Association life, music and culture schools as well as other art schools for children under the age of 18 can open with an assembly ceiling of 25 people. The reopening does not apply to singing activities.
  • Spectators will be allowed to return to stadiums in the Super League, Women’s League, 1st and 2nd division, the cup finals for men and women and at A national matches for men and women. This must be done with clearly separated sections with a maximum of 500 spectators in each and with a requirement for a valid corona passport. At the same time, all spectators must be registered for the purpose of tracing infection.
  • The recommendations are relaxed in relation to indoor worship services and church activities. At present, they can last a maximum of 30 minutes.

Full agreement text (Danish): HERE

Source:  justitsministeriet, tv2, dr


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Explore the universe of Denmark. Denmark is a country comprising the Jutland peninsula and its offshore islands, linking Northern Europe and Scandinavia via the Öresund bridge. Capital: Copenhagen, Currency: Danish krone

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