After Easter, new reopening plan starts in Denmark, the so-called corona passport will be introduced.

From April 6, you can e.g. go to the hairdresser, but you must bring corona passport, which show that you have been vaccinated, have survived the disease or have been tested negative for corona.

  • The Corona Passport has an important role in the major reopening plan for Denmark. With the corona passport, large parts of the professions and cultural life can reopen earlier than otherwise.
  • The corona passport must show whether you have been vaccinated, have passed infection or tested negative within 72 hours (both PCR and antigen test). Children under the age of 15 will be exempt.
  • From the end of March, the app “Danish: MinSundhed” will function as a temporary corona pass. At the end of May, a more user-friendly app is expected to be launched. The new app must take into account common European standards.
  • The parties behind the corona passport agree that there should be another solution for citizens who do not use digital solutions.
    For example, you must be able to get a physical vaccine passport when you finish the vaccination. How to get it is not yet decided. 
  • There is a “Danish: solnedgangsklausul” for the corona passport for all activities other than tourism and travel, when all Danish citizens who wish to do so have been fully vaccinated. This means that in the long run you will only need to use the corona pass if you e.g. going out to travel and not at hairdressers and cafes.

In May and June 2021, the parties to the agreement will discuss the experiences with the use of the corona passport and take a position on its continued scope and use.

Where you need the corona pass

For example, if you going to the hairdresser or to the foot clinic when the liberal professions reopen on April 6, you must be able to prove with the corona passport that you have been vaccinated, have passed an infection or have been tested negative within the last 72 hours.

If you feel like visiting a sidewalk café when the restaurants are allowed to open on April 21, you must also be able to present a corona pass. You must too, if you want to go to the museum, which also opens on April 21st.

From 6 May, indoor dining will be open at restaurants and cafés, just as it will be possible to go to the theater or cinema or play sports indoors if you are over 18 years old. In all cases, however, it requires that you can present a valid corona passport.

When it becomes possible to travel on holiday, you must also use the corona passport.

Read more about corona passport and how to get it (Danish): Here 

More Details (Danish): Here





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Explore the universe of Denmark. Denmark is a country comprising the Jutland peninsula and its offshore islands, linking Northern Europe and Scandinavia via the Öresund bridge. Capital: Copenhagen, Currency: Danish krone

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