Experience your way to a beach or harbor with the Blue Flag in DENMARK??

Summer holidays are upon us and many of have time off these days. At same time DMI shows that in next few days there will be sunny and temperatures close to 30 degC in many places in Denmark.

While you’re way to beach or harbor you might seen Blue Flag or experienced it.

Do you think what does BLUE FLAG mean to me?

Blue Flag is an international eco-labeling scheme, which ensures you good experiences at the beaches. When you visit a Blue Flag beach or harbor, you will find that there is high water quality, clear and distinct environmental information, good facilities around the beach or harbor, and that water safety is top notch.

On a Blue Flag beach you will find:

  • Clean bathing water
  • Lifesaving and first aid equipment as well as lifeguards in some places
  • Emergency phone on or near the beach or cover so cell phones can be used as an emergency phone
  • Nature and environmental dissemination activities
  • Information about environmental conditions and nature areas
  • Toilet facilities
  • Waste facilities and waste sorting
  • Information board

Denmark have almost 200 beaches with the Blue Flag.

You can find the complete overview map (Danish): here

Or See a list of all Blue Flags and Bathing points: here

Source: blueflag.global, friluftsraadet.dk


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Explore the universe of Denmark. Denmark is a country comprising the Jutland peninsula and its offshore islands, linking Northern Europe and Scandinavia via the Öresund bridge. Capital: Copenhagen, Currency: Danish krone

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