From today, with a few exceptions, the use of mouthpieces in Denmark is over, there are still situations where it is recommended to use them. 

Recommends using a facemask in the following cases:

  • If you have symptoms of coronavirus
  • If you are ill
  • If you are infected with coronavirus
  • Has been in close contact with an infected person
  • If you need to see a doctor or get tested in connection with self-insulation

Several reasons for phasing out

There have been several parameters that have played a role in the decision to phase out bandages from on Monday.

  • One is of course the level of infection. The infection pressure is decreasing now. It had a stable, low level for a long time and also seeing some season-changing effect.
  • The second is that when more than half of us are vaccinated, and the risk of us being carriers is very small, then there are potentially many more of us who have to go with a bandage to prevent one case.
  • The new easing was agreed between all parties in the Folketing except the Nye Borgerlige and Kristendemokraterne. The agreement means that all restrictions until 1 October will be gradually lifted.


  • From Today, goodbye to facemasks, but need in public transportation if you have to stand up during ride. i.e., if you get on a bus, metro or train you must still wear a facemask.
  • Bars, restaurants and cafes from Friday go till midnight and from July 15, it is moved till 02.00a.m.
  • Corona passport will be abolished from Monday for libraries and association activities and from 1st August its no longer necessary in theaters, venues, indoor sports activities and wide range of other places.
  • 1st September onwards no longer necessary in restaurants for hairdresser or in the gym and 1st October its is completely over.
  • In addition, the validity of negative PCR tests is extended. From 1st July 2021, PCR test will be valid for 96hours ie. Four days.
  • 1st September 2021 onwards discos and nightclubs are able to open, but first month howerever corona pass must be displayed.

On Saturday, boxes will hopefully be hammered into the Finnish goal when playing for the first time European Championship football matches in Denmark. Now can admit up to 25,000 spectators

Source: dr.dk, tv2.dk


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Explore the universe of Denmark. Denmark is a country comprising the Jutland peninsula and its offshore islands, linking Northern Europe and Scandinavia via the Öresund bridge. Capital: Copenhagen, Currency: Danish krone

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