New Infrastructure plan by the Denmark government until 2035 …. CAR-FREE SUNDAYS from 9-20… see what all more ….

Denmark today has a world-class infrastructure, but the way move around is changing i.e, transport habits, working life and need for mobility and the green transition is in full swing. It presents challenges.

Too many people queue on the roads, and in many places the daily problems of congestion are great. Public transport is challenged. At the same time, more people must take the bike, and it must be easier to choose and ride in a green car.

Therefore, the government is now presenting a historically comprehensive plan for Denmark’s infrastructure of more than DKK 160 million. kroner towards 2035, including 106 million. kroner for new projects and initiatives. In addition, a preliminary reservation of almost DKK 13 million has been set aside. kroner for handling infrastructure at Lynetteholmen.

This includes massive investments in reducing congestion on Danish roads, a significant boost in public transport and a number of new initiatives to support the green transformation of the transport sector.

The proposals must include reduce the problems of queuing, strengthen public transport and create the conditions for a transition to green modes of transport. In contrast to previous infrastructure plans, Denmark is in itself CO2-neutral.

Before we go with overview of the infrastructure plan, lets look into what Minister’s say:

Finance Minister Nicolai Wammen says:

“Denmark must be a country where there are good opportunities to make everyday life cohesive – no matter where you live. And where companies can easily ship goods across countries and borders. But queuing and waiting time help to make the distances greater than they really are. Therefore, the government is planning a historically large investment of 160 million. kroner in infrastructure. By 2035, it will bind the whole of Denmark together even more strongly and reduce the experience of distance between country and city or between family and work for the Danes. At the same time, the plan will help lay the foundation for the green transition of transport. ”

Minister of the Interior and Housing Kaare Dybvad Bek says:

“Denmark is too small a country for big differences, and therefore we invest massively in the infrastructure throughout the country. It must help to ensure that whether you live in the city or in the countryside, you must have good opportunities to get to and from your work or your leisure activities. ”

Transport Minister Benny Engelbrecht says:

“We are all dependent on us being able to get to work, to the hospital, to have goods on store shelves and for companies to get their finished products out into the world. With the government’s proposal, we will have a future where there is room on the roads for the many electric cars, where bicycles are given much greater priority and not least, where public transport gets a boost. With a massive investment in the railway, we are entering the decade of the railway with this initiative. ”

QUICK overview of the government plan for new roads and bridges:

  • Cheaper tickets for public transport
    • Government will prioritize a total of DKK 40 million to strengthen public transport throughout the country, among other things through lower ticket prices and investments in high-speed electric trains.
    • In addition, it will introduce a summer travel passport – a form of Danish interrail passport – which provides the opportunity to travel freely in Denmark for eight consecutive summer days for DKK 399 for adults and DKK 299 for young people.
  • Extension of the Vejlefjord bridge and tunnel under Aarhus
    • The tunnel will create direct access between the E45 motorway and the Port of Aarhus and is part of the regional projects that the government is now proposing.
    • A new tunnel under Marselis Boulevard will in future be “necessary for more efficient transport” to the industrial port in Aarhus, it is stated in the proposal.
    • In addition, the government will initiate an investigation to determine whether the capacity on the Vejlefjord bridge can be expanded.
  • Car-free Sundays from 9-20
    • The government will give the municipalities the opportunity to introduce car-free Sundays in the larger cities.
    • It should provide space to hold markets and Sunday activities on streets where cars usually drive.
    • The initiative must be limited to Sundays between 9 am and 8 pm.
  • The train stations must have life and be safe
    • This is happening as part of a number of security-creating initiatives in the government’s new proposal.
    • DKK 100 million will provide more surveillance and better lighting at, for example, S-train stations in the capital.
    • In addition, DKK 250 million will be set aside for stations across the country to become greener and more energy-friendly.
  • New metropolitan network in the metropolitan area
    • S-trains in the future will run the Copenhagen metro with departures around the clock and shorter travel time.
  • “The year of the cycle” : 2022
    • The government will now allocate a total of two million kroner for better cycling routes, information campaigns and a knowledge center that together will promote cycling in children and young people.
    • In addition, the government will designate the year 2022 as the “year of cycling” – the same year the Tour de France will come to Denmark.
  • New roads and connections
    • The government proposes that new motorways be built in several places in the country, including between Regstrup and Kalundborg, so that there will be a motorway all the way from Copenhagen to Kalundborg.
    • In addition, the motorway between Allerød and Hillerød will be made into a four-lane motorway.
    • In addition, it must be investigated whether a permanent connection can be established in the form of a bridge between Als and Fyn.
  • Easier to drive green
    • Driving green should be as easy as driving. Therefore, half a million kroner must be set aside for charging infrastructure for electric cars.
    • This means, among other things, that there must be a requirement for a maximum waiting time to be accommodated at a charging station along the state road network.
  • Climate-friendly asphalt on all state roads
    • 7 million will be set aside to maintain the Danish roads – among other things by laying new, climate-friendly asphalt.
    • The asphalt provides lower CO2 emissions from the cars because it reduces fuel consumption.
    • Therefore, from this year until 2035, the government will require the climate-friendly version on all state roads where asphalt must be asphalted or laid completely again.
  • The third Limfjord connection
    • A third Limfjord connection has been discussed for a long time in North Jutland, where it is currently possible to cross the Limfjord via either a bridge or a tunnel.
    • As part of a pool of DKK 47 million, which, among other things, will provide less congestion on the roads, a third Limfjord connection is now on the table – an approximately 20-kilometer-long motorway with four tracks over the island of Egholm.

More details about government’s infrastructure plan 2035 and fact sheets about the economy in Denmark: HERE (Danish)

Source: regeringen, trm, fm, dsr, tv2, dr


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