From 1st June 2021, Danes get the well-know yellow health card as an app on their mobile phone. The app acts as valid health card and provides access to public health services.

The app “Sundhedskortet” (Health Card App) is ready for download for both Android and iOS and from today gives Danes access to a new, easy and convenient way to bring the yellow health card. The health card app is launched exactly 50 years after it was decided by law that Danes should bring proof of the right to receive public health services.

By downloading the “Sundhedskortet” in the App Store or Play Store, you can get the well-known yellow health card as an app on your mobile, so you always have your health card at hand. If you have children, you can automatically see your children’s health cards in the app.

Minister of Finance Nicolai Wammen welcomes the launch of the digital health card of the future:

“The yellow health card is a solid symbol of the Danish welfare model, which for many years has given citizens access to public health services. From today, Danes can download a digital version of the health card to their mobile phone. The health card app is a voluntary offer, which I think many Danes will accept, and especially families with children will be happy to also be able to see the children’s health cards in the app.”

Minister of Health Magnus Heunicke states:

“The health card app is another example of how digitalisation makes everyday life easier for Danes. Today we always have our mobile phone on us, and with the Health Card app you are sure to always have your own and the children’s health card at hand when you go to the doctor, at the pharmacy or down and have taken a coronate test.”

Chairman of the Danish Regions, Stephanie Lose also believes that the app has a number of advantages:

“The health card app has several benefits. For some it is easier than the card, the app is better secured against abuse, and you have the children’s card, even if they have the address of the other parent, for example. For those who would rather keep the card, there is also the option of it. We are in a transition period where we are becoming more digital, but we must include everyone. That’s why we drive with both — and a little more. Both for those who need to read the health card and those who need to use it.”

Chairman of KL’s Health and Elderly Committee Jette Skive says:

“The health card app is a smart solution that can make access to the municipalities’ offers even easier for those citizens who already have their smartphone with them everywhere. But there are also citizens who are best off continuing to show the classic health card, and therefore it is voluntary if you want to use it. You will not miss any offers or help from the public if you do not use the app.”

Keep the yellow card

The health card app is a voluntary supplement to the yellow health card, so you must keep your physical health card – even after you have downloaded the app.

During a transition period, you may find that there are places where you can not read the health card via the app. For example, there may be clinics that use magnetic stripe readers or have a reader that cannot read mobile screens. Therefore, it is a good idea that you bring your physical health card if you are in doubt about whether the reader at, for example, your doctor can read the health card via the app.

In the long run, it is intended that you should be able to choose between the Health Card app and the physical health card, so that the Health Card app can help reduce the number of physical cards issued.

Benefits of the Health Card app:

  • With the Health Card app, you can automatically see your children’s health cards in the app until the children are 15 years old.
  • Your information is automatically updated in the app if, for example, you change address, doctor or get a new last name.
  • You can block the Health Card app via if you lose your mobile phone.
  • You can call your doctor directly by tapping the doctor’s phone number in the app.


  • Download the app, where you usually download apps for your phone by searching for the Health Card:
  • The health card app, like the physical yellow health card, is valid documentation of the right to receive public health services in Denmark.
  • To be able to use the Health Card app, you must be resident in Denmark, be in security group 1 or 2 and have a NemID.
  • The barcode in the Health Card app contains your CPR number.
  • The Health Card app builds on the platform and infrastructure from the Driving License app. Establishment of the Health Card app has been completed within an agreed joint public budget of DKK 10 million. DKK divided into 6 mill. DKK 2.7 million for development. DKK for personnel expenses and 1.3 mill. DKK for other costs such as security and accessibility tests as well as information material.
  • The app has been developed by the Danish Digitization Agency under the Finansministeriet (Ministry of Finance) in collaboration with the Sundhedsministeriet (Ministry of Health), Danish Regions and KL.



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Explore the universe of Denmark. Denmark is a country comprising the Jutland peninsula and its offshore islands, linking Northern Europe and Scandinavia via the Öresund bridge. Capital: Copenhagen, Currency: Danish krone

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