On March 22, an agreement has been made on a major reopening plan for the coming months

Reopening from April 6:

  • Liberal service professions, etc. can reopen. There will be requirements for the use of a bandage or visor as well as guidelines for infection prevention. There will also be requirements for the use of corona passes.
  • 5-8. class can return with 50 per cent. physical attendance (ie every other week).
  • Pupils in upper secondary and adult education can return with 50 per cent. physical attendance (ie every other week).
  • In higher education, graduate students in educations with many elements of practice can return with 50 per cent. physical attendance (ie every other week). All other students in higher education can return with 20 per cent. physical attendance.

 Reopening from April 13:

  • Ordinary trade in shopping malls, department stores, arcades, etc. with an area of ​​15,000 m2 or less can reopen per. 13 April 2021. The reopening does not apply to cinemas, restaurants and cafés, etc., which are located in the shopping center, etc.
  • Shopping malls, department stores and arcades in municipalities with particularly high incidence rates are excluded. Their possible reopening will be assessed by the Epidemic Commission.

Reopening from April 21:

  • The large shopping malls and department stores for general trade over 15,000 square meters, etc. can reopen.
  • In addition, with corona passes – outdoor dining will be opened at restaurants and cafes, etc., museums, art galleries and libraries. In addition, open corona passes for indoor sports under the auspices of organized and for children and young people under 18 years.
  • Which specific sports are covered and which infection prevention measures are to be taken are negotiated by the contracting parties on the basis of a professional proposal from the authorities.

Reopening from May 6:

  • Coronapas reopens indoor dining at restaurants and cafes, etc., conferences, venues, theaters, and cinemas and similar other venues where cultural activities are practiced.
  • In addition, it is opened – with coronapas – for indoor sports for adults over 18 years.
  • Which specific sports are covered and which infection prevention measures are to be taken are negotiated by the contracting parties on the basis of a professional proposal from the authorities.

Reopening from May 21:

  • Coronapas reopens the remaining sports, leisure and association activities that were not opened in previous phases. 
  • In addition, indoor facilities will be opened in amusement parks, zoos, etc. and playgrounds. In addition, day colleges and evening schools.

 Rapid local shutdowns

The reopens can be paused in several areas in municipalities with a particularly high spread of infection.

Fast and efficient local shutdowns based on an automation are one crucial tool in epidemic control, the agreement states.

There may be closures and postponement of reopening at both institutional, local, municipal, regional or regional level.

The municipalities must also have increased powers to, for example, close day care institutions and other things when there is a local increase in infection. 

See the overall plan here (Danish)


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