It is all triggered by the fact that in recent weeks there has been an increase in the number of corona positives around the country. Government proposes reintroducing the corona passport at restaurants, nightclubs, and discos, among other places.

CORONAPAS has so far been valid for one year after a positive corona test, now changes have been planned to be valid for six months after the positive test.

In addition, it is planned that only children under the age of 15 will be exempt from having to present coronapas. It was previously 16 years.

If you are vaccinated, the coronapas is valid 14 days after the first bite with one vaccine. The second plug must be taken no later than 42 days later to remain valid. A vaccination will give a valid corona passport 12 months after completion of vaccination.

A negative test gives a valid coronapas if taken within 72 or 96 hours for a quick test and PCR test, respectively.

The proposal to reintroduce the corona passport requires adoption by the Parliament’s Epidemic Committee. The committee will meet on 09th November 2021.

Get the overview of where the government will introduce coronapas:


  • Indoor dining areas (take away and heat rooms excluded)
  • Nightclubs and discos
  • Party buses, etc. (when serving alcohol)
  • Visitors to housing, care centers, and hospitals (except close relatives)
  • Visitors to prisons and detention centers

FOR OVER 200 people INDOORS or 2000 OUTDOORS:

  • Concerts and performances
  • The cinema or similar big-screen events
  • Paying spectators at sports
  • Larger ward events
  • Museums, art galleries, and the like
  • Worship services and religious acts (eg baptisms, weddings, and funerals)
  • Public information, including evening schools, etc.
  • Zoos and aquariums
  • Bathing and play areas, swimming pools
  • Amusement parks, arcades, and casinos
  • Conferences, lectures, fairs, and animal shows



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Explore the universe of Denmark. Denmark is a country comprising the Jutland peninsula and its offshore islands, linking Northern Europe and Scandinavia via the Öresund bridge. Capital: Copenhagen, Currency: Danish krone

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