Infection rates are good and hospitalization rates are low and this gives room for a considerable reopening. Check the main points reopening:

Thursday 6th May onwards:

  • All students in primary schools can return full time.
  • The 30-minute table reservation rule at bars and restaurants is removed.
  • Indoor sports and fitness centers open to people over the age of 18 on display of corona passes.
  • Venues, theaters, cinemas and the like open with demands for corona passes and up to 2,000 spectators in sections of 500.
  • Restaurants must be open after 23:00 for special private events where participants know each other in advance.
  • Conferences and meetings with business and professional purposes reopen with requirements for coronapass and up to 1000 participants in sections of 500 where the participants mainly sit down.
  • The requirement that private parties must end no later than 11 pm is abolished. Alcohol may also be served at private parties from 10 pm to 5 am.
  • The assembly ceiling is raised to 25 indoors and 75 outdoors.

Following opens 21st May:

  • All students in the upper secondary education can return full time.
  • Students in higher education can come back in half time.
  • A plan is being drawn up for the gradual normalization of physical attendance at workplaces starting from 21 May 2021.

Source: (Justitsministeriet) Ministry of Justice ,,


Denmark is reopening further, but dot on festivals. This summer 2021 will be out of the biggest festivals in Denmark. According the news source following festivals been cancelled:

  • Roskilde Festival
  • Musik i Lejet, Tisvilde
  • Vig Festival
  • Jelling Festival
  • Thy Rock
  • Northside
  • Tinderbox
  • Nibe Festival
  • Sjællandsfestivalen – bliver holdt som online live stream (is held as an online live stream)
  • Stevning Musikfestival

Festivals that have moved are: Rock Under Broen moved to August and Skive Festival moved to September.

Main Points of Festivals based on agreement:

The summer is so far divided into two phases. The first phase runs from 21 May to 1 August, where festivals, major concerts and sporting events must have up to 2000 participants divided into zones with 200 in each.

The second phase runs from 1 August, and it means that, among other things, festivals must have up to 5000 participants, which must be divided into sections with 500.

According to the text of the agreement, the ceiling for the total number of participants for the events can be raised to 10,000 participants when it is “assessed as sound from a health point of view”.

Source: tv2, dr


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Explore the universe of Denmark. Denmark is a country comprising the Jutland peninsula and its offshore islands, linking Northern Europe and Scandinavia via the Öresund bridge. Capital: Copenhagen, Currency: Danish krone

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