by finDenmark | Apr 8, 2021 | DENMARKLIFE, NEWS, OTHER
New Infrastructure plan by the Denmark government until 2035 …. CAR-FREE SUNDAYS from 9-20… see what all more …. Denmark today has a world-class infrastructure, but the way move around is changing i.e, transport habits, working life and need for mobility and the green...
by finDenmark | Mar 29, 2021 | NEWS
LONG WAITING TIME FOR DRIVING TESTS…. Driving Schools reopen after Easter As part of the agreement on the reopening of Denmark, the driving schools will open after Easter. As a result of the recently concluded framework agreement on a long-term plan for the reopening...
by finDenmark | Mar 27, 2021 | NEWS
SUMMER TIME BEGINS…. What is the status of abolishing? From today, daylight savings time starts…………simple terms summer time begins!!! Sunday we have to set the clocks one hour ahead, so that it will be brighter in the evening and a transition a litter later in the...
by finDenmark | Mar 25, 2021 | DENMARKLIFE, NEWS, OTHER, TRAVEL
ALL ABOUT CORONA PASS… HOW DOES IT WORKS? WHERE? After Easter, new reopening plan starts in Denmark, the so-called corona passport will be introduced. From April 6, you can e.g. go to the hairdresser, but you must bring corona passport, which show that you have been...
by finDenmark | Mar 24, 2021 | NEWS
NOW YOU CAN GET LAST TWO WEEKS HOLIDAY MONEY!!! Now open for you to log in and order you’re remaining frozen holiday pay at In other words: You can now get your two-week holiday pay, which you did not get paid in the autumn. And if you did not get...