by finDenmark | Mar 25, 2021 | DENMARKLIFE, NEWS, OTHER, TRAVEL
ALL ABOUT CORONA PASS… HOW DOES IT WORKS? WHERE? After Easter, new reopening plan starts in Denmark, the so-called corona passport will be introduced. From April 6, you can e.g. go to the hairdresser, but you must bring corona passport, which show that you have been...
by finDenmark | Mar 24, 2021 | NEWS
NOW YOU CAN GET LAST TWO WEEKS HOLIDAY MONEY!!! Now open for you to log in and order you’re remaining frozen holiday pay at In other words: You can now get your two-week holiday pay, which you did not get paid in the autumn. And if you did not get...
by finDenmark | Mar 23, 2021 | DENMARKLIFE, NEWS, OTHER, TRAVEL
On March 22, an agreement has been made on a major reopening plan for the coming months Reopening from April 6: Liberal service professions, etc. can reopen. There will be requirements for the use of a bandage or visor as well as guidelines for infection...
by finDenmark | Mar 15, 2021 | NEWS, OTHER
PART2: TOP 6 DEDUCTIONS you can do in E-Tax (TastSelv) Do you want to have more money in your hands each month, then make sure don’t miss deductions in your tax statement. Lets talk about most important deductions for 2021. If you have missed Part 1: 2021 TAX YEAR –...
by finDenmark | Mar 12, 2021 | NEWS, OTHER
PART1: 2021 TAX YEAR – MOST IMPORTANT DATES IN THE TAX YEAR Are you thinking when should I pay attention to the tax this year? Lets talk on the most important dates, so you can relax for rest of the year. Part 2: Stay tuned to (or)...
by finDenmark | Mar 11, 2021 | NEWS
NOW YOU CAN GET LAST TWO WEEKS HOLIDAY MONEY!!! Dated 24-03-2020: Check our latest blog on update: Dated 16-03-2020: Good News!!!…. Last round of frozen holiday pay...